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博天堂官方紧急警报系统是一个大规模通知系统,可以让大学同时 向电脑桌面发出校园警报,向个人手机发送短信,以及 email to UNC email addresses during an emergency. The system, called Rave Alert and 由总部位于马萨诸塞州的Rave移动安全公司提供,将补充该大学的 existing Web, electronic and telephone emergency communications.

Emergencies include critical, urgent and disruptive incidents. Examples of when 警报s would be issued include, but aren’t 限于:

  • 涉及联合国军司令部警察或其他公共安全当局的迫在眉睫的威胁
  • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
  • Campus and building closures, and utility outages

Faculty, staff and students sign up for the service. 学生 have signed up when 在新生入学仪式上注册课程,以及已经注册的返校学生 已经注册的人被邀请在访问他们的电子邮件时注册 第一次. Faculty and staff sign up by logging in to 大熊星座.

Signing up for 警报s


学生可以通过输入短信手机号码来报名 prompted during the 大熊星座 和BearMail账号激活过程,或者通过登录大熊星座,点击 “我的帐户”选项卡,并在UNC中输入可发送文本的手机号码 紧急警报 box.


Faculty and staff should 登录大熊座 然后点击

“我的帐户”选项卡. Find the 紧急警报 panel, enter your cell phone number and click the “Save Changes” button.  A “你r changes have been saved successfully.”消息 will appear in the panel to indicate your sign-up is complete. Phone numbers can be changed using the same procedure.

Rave Guardian App

Rave Guardian Logo

Guardian App Apple Download

Guardian App Google Download

下载狂欢卫士应用程序,为自己提供额外的安全保护 和其他人.

  • Adds another delivery method for UNC 紧急警报s
  • Speed dial to UNC警察 Department*
  • Text non-emergent crime tips to UNC警察 Department*
  • 为我们的聋哑和有听力障碍的学生和工作人员向博天堂官方警方发送短信*
  • 计时器可以让朋友或家人在你上下学的时候照看你
  • Important phone and web contact info for other campus departments
  • 监护人安全档案,让急救人员知道已有的医疗状况和 emergency contacts.

要注册该应用程序,您必须首先在您的电子邮件中添加紧急警报电话号码 大熊星座帐户,24小时后你可以从应用商店下载并使用它 phone number to link it to your UNC 紧急警报 information. 

*如果位置服务是活跃的,使用这些选项也会给UNC警察你的 通话或文字聊天期间的位置数据,以进一步协助警务人员 in assisting callers.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the UNC 紧急警报?

    博天堂官方紧急警报是一个多层次的方法来沟通校园紧急情况 and campus safety. It allows the university to simultaneously issue campus 警报s by computer desktop, e-mail and 短信 during an emergency. 它补充 the university’s existing Web and other emergency communications.

  • When will 警报s be sent?

    For emergencies and disruptive incidents only. Brief messages would include basic 信息和直接收件人到大学的紧急网站http://emergency.dftractor.com for more information. Examples of when 警报s would be issued include, but aren’t 限于:

    • 涉及联合国军司令部警察或其他公共安全当局的迫在眉睫的威胁
    • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
    • Campus and building closures, and utility outages
    • 在秋季、春季学期和夏季学期开始时测试该系统.
  • How will I be notified?

    通过电话到紧急联系号码提供的教职员工和学生使用 text message campus e-mail accounts (奇怪的人.edu for faculty/staff and bears.奇怪的人.edu 对于学生),以及发送到校园所有大学计算机的桌面警报.

  • 如果发生紧急情况,需要多长时间才能收到消息?

    在紧急情况下,消息将通过桌面同时发送, e-mail and text messaging. There are several factors that determine the time of delivery. 例如,如果出现公用设施中断或高呼叫量,则消息可能会延迟. 目的是通过至少一种途径(桌面、电子邮件或手机)到达校园 文本).

  • Who sends the 警报 messages? What’s displayed in the sender line?


    • 涉及联合国军司令部警察或其他公共安全当局的迫在眉睫的威胁
    • Tornado warnings and other severe weather
    • Campus and building closures, and utility outages
    • Text messages: Phone number varies.
    • Emails: 奇怪的人@getrave.com  - Please add this email address to your safe senders list.
  • 我如何注册?

    学生可以通过输入短信手机号码来报名 在大熊星座和BearMail帐户激活过程中提示,或通过登录提示 到大熊座(http://ursa.dftractor.com),单击“我的帐户”选项卡,并输入其文本单元格的号码 phone in the UNC 紧急警报 panel.

    教职员工应登录大熊星座,单击“我的帐户”选项卡并完成“ fields in the UNC 紧急警报 panel.

  • How will I receive confirmation?

    紧急警报系统将向您发送确认您的状态 T-Mobile的用户需要回复信息才能订阅UNC 紧急警报.)确认信息将显示:“UNC紧急警报:您已设置接收 txt 警报s per acct settings. For more info reply “HELP”. To opt out reply “STOP” 味精&data rates may apply.”

    如果您没有收到确认,您可以去大熊星座验证您的注册 学生选项卡下的学生或员工选项卡下的教职员工.

  • What’s the cost to me?

    The service is free. Cell phone providers may charge a text-messaging fee.

  • 如果我收到短信后不小心回复“停止”怎么办?


    您将收到确认消息,说明您已重新订阅 短信.

  • How do I opt-out?


  • What if I opted-out but later decide I would like to opt in again?


  • 如果我的手机号码改变了,如何更新我的联系方式?

    学生应该登录大熊星座,点击Student选项卡编辑他们的联系信息 in the UNC 紧急警报 box. Faculty and staff can go to 大熊星座, click the Employee tab and change their information in the 紧急警报 box.

  • What if my cell phone provider changes?


  • 我错误地收到了博天堂官方的紧急警报我和学校没有任何关系. How do I opt out?

    Please contact us at 970-351-4357 or 技术.support@奇怪的人.edu to have your contact information removed from the database.

  • Who uses this service?

    这项名为“狂欢警报”(Rave Alert)的服务被许多部门使用,包括大学、 universities and K-12 schools.

  • How will my information be used?

    仅用于在校园紧急情况下与您联系. 它不会是 shared for any other purpose.

  • What if I don’t provide my cell phone number?

    您仍然会收到通知到您的UNC附属电子邮件地址,但我们高度 建议您注册短信,以确保您有任何紧急情况 information in a timely matter. The cell phone number provided is solely used for the purpose of contacting you during a campus emergency. 它不会是 shared for any other purpose.

  • 为什么我要验证我的校园电话号码和直接办公室电话号码?

    验证这些数字将有助于在已知的情况下与您沟通 emergency situation on or off campus that impacts only you. An example would be an 涉及您的家庭成员的紧急情况和唯一可用的信息 about who to contact is that you’re a UNC employee.

  • If I’m a parent, can I receive the 警报s?

    希望收到提醒的家长、与会者和其他社区成员 可以通过发送UNCALERT到226787来注册一个月的临时订阅. 你 will receive a message confirming your enrollment to UNC Alerts. After 1 month you 会收到一条消息说你的订阅已经结束,那时你可以回复吗 with UNCALERT again to enroll for another month.

  • Where can I send feedback?

    Send an e-mail with your comments to 警报.feedback@奇怪的人.edu.