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Bridging Natural and Social Science

地理,地理信息系统和可持续发展系(DoGGS或GGS)包括 地理与地理信息科学(GIS)与环境与可持续发展 研究项目.

地理专业的学生学习环境、文化、政治和文化 产生独特的地方、区域和全球模式的经济过程 地球表面. Geography is one of the few academic disciplines that bridge the gap between the natural and social sciences. Geographers analyze how complex interactions 在这些空间过程中,创造了不断变化的人文和自然景观 世界各地.

对环境和可持续发展研究感兴趣的学生将学会理解 解决日益增长的人类社会所面临的重大挑战 on finite resources. 环境 and 可持续性 Studies uses a dynamic approach 这就需要多学科和多视角的研究来解决人类的问题 需要对交互系统有复杂理解的问题:自然的, economic, historical, aesthetic, socio-cultural, spatial, and political.

学生可以选择主修环境与可持续发展研究或地理 三个重点领域之一:地理信息科学(GIS),全球和 Area Studies, and Secondary Teaching. Minors are available in 地理、地理信息系统、 and 环境 Studies.

Announcements and News

UNC GIS的学生 Co-lead Annual Mapathon in Support of Humanitarian Efforts

Aerial satellite map

博天堂官方与科罗拉多州立大学和Front Range社区学院合作, 正在为一年一度的马拉松活动做准备——一群人聚集在一起的活动 on a particular day to voluntarily work on a collective mapping project. 这次事件中, 定于11月. 16, 2022, 4-6 p.m.我支持 失踪的地图这是一个开放的合作项目,由美国红十字会(American Red Cross)共同创立,旨在赋权 volunteers to map areas where humanitarian organizations are working. The mapathon, part of NOCO GIS日, 是由博天堂官方地理、地理信息系统和可持续发展系赞助的,并由联合领导 今年由博天堂官方的学生萨拉·卡尔和约瑟夫·安德拉德-舒赫提供,并附上了当地地图 expert and guest speaker, Mike Thompson. 

卡尔是一名主修心理学的大四学生,同时辅修环境研究和 GIS和andade - schuch,一位环境与可持续发展研究专业的大四学生, 这次活动不仅是锻炼他们的领导能力和地理信息系统技能的机会, but to be a part of something that has a global impact. “I think this is a really UNC这么做很酷,因为这完全是人道主义工作,”安德拉德-舒赫说. “And it's all volunteers who do this, so no one's getting paid. 如果有 crisis in the area we’re mapping, we're the people who did that. 这类工作 makes you feel good.” 

Check out the full article here.

Gabrielle Stanton is receiving the prestigious Phelps Family 帽 award this year. 多么令人印象深刻的!


I am a junior at UNC pursuing a double major in French and Geography. 我也参加了 in the Honors program and I am committed to retaining a GPA of 4.0. 作为转移 作为一名来自小型社区学院的学生,我不确定能从博天堂官方的教师那里得到什么 和学生. My expectations were met and exceeded by everyone at UNC. 是谢谢 让我决定攻读荣誉课程,挑战自我 beyond simply finishing classes. After learning about refugees in various geography classes, I decided to engage in the refugee community here in Greeley. 我现在是 无国界足球组织的足球教练,我和一队难民女孩教练 背景. At practices, games and academic tutoring sessions, I provide them with 一个安全的环境,学习社会技能,自我倡导,和健康的身体和 情感的习惯. My time spent with these kids has made an indelible impression. 我珍惜这个机会回馈我的社区,并把一些 love and support I was given. Once I graduate from UNC, I plan to work with resettled refugees and asylum seekers.

学生 Recognized at 2022 Honors Convocation


地理专业的学生Austin Mullins、Nathan Ovalle和Ana Palacios获得了认可 on April 10th for excellence 在他们的项目中. 祝贺你! 

学生 Recognized at 2022 Honors Convocation

荣誉环境可持续性学生凯瑟琳·哈斯金斯,蒂莫西·钱伯斯,泰勒·德洛伦佐, 4月10日,玛德琳·庞塞·巴伦苏埃拉和奥黛丽·塔布斯因表现卓越而获得表彰 在他们的项目中. 祝贺你! 

教师 Recognized for Scholarly Excellence

人文与社会科学学院于4月对优秀教师进行了表彰 14, 2019. Dr. Karen Barton was awarded the College Scholar Award. 祝贺你!

"Social Determinants of Health in Colorado" project receives grant

Jieun李 Ivan Ramirez(科罗拉多大学讲师)获得了41,298美元的资助 来自科罗拉多评估和行动实验室的资助项目“社会决定因素” 科罗拉多州的健康:住房负担能力的空间分析,健康问题, and Health Care Accessibility.” Using statewide data at the census-tract level, this 本研究将使用地理资讯系统(GIS)来调查空间 哮喘患病率、铅暴露和心理健康之间的关系(已定义) as suicide mortality, alcohol consumption, and substance overdose) as compared to availability of affordable housing and medical/mental health care accessibility. 这 研究将产生一系列地图,可以帮助国家和其他政府 合作伙伴更有效地实施负担得起的住房和保健可及性 策略.

Learn more about the project

Expedition to educate! A look into UNC study abroad

研究生协会的Dannon Cox最近发布了一个播客 特邀博士. Karen Barton in which she discusses the impact study abroad programs have on students, as well as her upcoming expedition to Nepal. 

Listen to the podcast

Geography student completed NASA DEVELOP internship

詹妮弗·梅伦谈到 与山间西部生态预报队合作开发了预测系统 模型来帮助定位科罗拉多州、爱达荷州的洛奇波尔松林的潜在位置, 蒙大拿州和怀俄明州,以便在未来的山脉中指出脆弱的森林 Bark Beetle infestation. Among other, more technical, deliverables her team produced a 3 minute video on their project and methods.


地理、地理信息系统 & 可持续性 Student Spotlight

洛根迈尔斯她主修人类学和地理,有机会出国到西班牙 over the summer and conduct Underwater Archaeological research. 他曾经就读的学校 其中一部分集中在一个古罗马军港,该军港位于西班牙的一个港口中 沿海港湾.

他的团队以前几个赛季的数据为基础,扩展了学校的知识 the bay's underwater environment. Their techniques for data collection involved scuba 在大约10-25米的深度潜水,同时调查海底的文物. 当他的团队发现感兴趣的物体时,物品数据通过GPS点收集, 图片和视频用于ArcGIS制图,可能的工件恢复,和保护 of the artifact from looters. Overall, this experience allowed him to travel to a foreign 周围都是兢兢业业的人在做他喜欢的事情,在他看来, the school was second to none as it sparked the beginning of his lifelong career. 



Professor Jimmy Dunn and a crew of five students headed north for summer research and discovery in the Canadian Arctic. 


Read more about the Arctic Journey 

职业生涯 in 地理、地理信息系统 & 可持续性

当你选择从事地理、地理信息系统或可持续发展方面的职业时,你将拥有 many options and opportunities for specialization and focus. Career paths include 在商业、社区组织、GIS、政府、自然科学领域工作, planning, resource management, sustainability, teaching and transportation. 取一个 看看你要做的工作类型,并阅读一些我们的校友在 场. 

地理位置 & GIS事业    环境 & 可持续性 职业生涯

Geography and GIS Career Options